Serving students in Macomb, Wayne, and Oakland Counties
Summer Discovery serves three counties throughout Southeastern Michigan – Macomb, Wayne, and Oakland.

Interested in learning more about becoming a Summer Discovery site? Join a webinar and get your questions answered.

Want to read more about the program? Visit our Grant Applicant FAQ page.

Still have questions? Email us and we’ll make sure your questions are answered.

Grant Applicant Webinars
Join us for one of six, 60 minute webinars on Summer Discovery where we will share more details and answer questions about grant requirements, the application process and more!
Questions about becoming a Summer Discovery grantee?
Check out our Applicant FAQs before you apply.
Ballmer Group is investing in summer enrichment for students in Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb Counties.
We know from parents and community leaders that not enough summer enrichment programs exist for students in Southeast Michigan, and we know that barriers such as transportation and cost prevent parents from enrolling their children, even if spots are available. We also know that Michigan parents report that afterschool and summer programs help them keep their jobs, build connections to their children’s education, and keep their children safe and engaged in learning. However, parents also report that there are not enough programs to serve students.
Summer Discovery is a regional effort designed for students and families in Southeast Michigan, where many students need more access to learning and activity opportunities during the summer break. We believe in equitable access to safe, quality out-of-school-time (OST) programs that grow academic outcomes, offer enrichment activities that increase career exposure and interest, engage families, and deepen community support for afterschool and summer programs. We believe that ALL kids in Michigan deserve opportunities to succeed in school and to dream big about their futures.
Launched for the first time ahead of Summer 2024, Summer Discovery provided traditional schools, charter schools, and select Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) with the opportunity to apply for funding to provide instruction and enrichment activities in the summer of 2024. In its first year, Summer Discovery funded summer programming for ~16,500 students across the Tri-County area. Ballmer Group is pleased to continue to offer Summer Discovery this summer.
Any charter school, traditional school, or invited Community-Based Organization that meets the following criteria is eligible for grant funding:
- Conduct in-person instruction and enrichment
- Serve at least 50% free lunch population
- Serve students who attend school in Wayne, Macomb, or Oakland County
- Serve students who are Rising 1st – Rising 9th graders (students entering 1st-9th grade)
- Show proof of appropriate licensure prior to the first day of summer programming, if applicable
Note on CBO eligibility: Unsolicited applications from Community-Based Organizations who have not been invited by Ballmer Group to apply as a lead applicant will not be reviewed or accepted. If you are a Community-Based Organization and believe you have met the required eligibility criteria and are interested in applying as a lead applicant, email [email protected] to request a Letter of Intent form. All Letter of Intent forms must be submitted by 1/10/25 for consideration. A Letter of Intent does not guarantee grant funding; the Summer Discovery team will review your materials and be in touch about whether you will be invited to apply by 1/17/25. CBOs who are invited to submit an application will need to submit by 1/31/25. In addition to the above criteria, CBOs must have access to a physical location and must have previously run a summer program. Grant funding may only be used for students who attend school in the Tri-County region.
Based on known best practices for summer learning, the core Summer Discovery program requirements remain largely the same as the 2024 requirements.
That said, some adjustments have been made; see below for Summer Discovery 2025 updates.
- Half-day programs funded for Rising 9th graders: To allow for greater flexibility and to respond to needs we have heard, grantees may apply for a half-day program (5+ hours) for students entering 9th grade only. A minimum of three hours of instruction (math and/or ELA) must be provided. You will be asked for details in the application.
- Student-to-Teacher Ratio update: Due to Michigan state child care licensing requirements, programs must ensure a student-to-teacher ratio of no more than 18:1.
- Enrollment Check process: Because funding is tied to enrollment, the enrollment check deadlines have been moved closer to your summer program’s beginning date. This allows grantees more time to predict the actual number of students who will enroll in the summer program.
- Adjustments to technology platforms: We have adopted a new assessment platform and a new grants management platform. We hope these platforms are user-friendly so that grantees can focus primarily on planning for and executing summer programs.
- On-site Coaching: Grantees selecting the Lavinia RISE Curriculum can opt for on-site coaching, gaining a dedicated Lavinia Group coach to guide program design and implementation throughout the summer. Coaches will conduct three on-site visits, offering direct, hands-on support to develop teachers and leaders. In addition, they will work closely with site leaders to customize and enhance the summer school program, delivering actionable feedback, clear next steps, and tailored resources. The on-site coaching offering will cost $5,625 and can be built into your requested grant budget.
- Licensing requirements: The State of Michigan requires providers who care for children under 13 for less than 24 hours a day unattended by a parent or legal guardian for more than two consecutive weeks to obtain a Child Care Center License. This year, the State is requiring out-of-school providers that fit the description for Child Care licensing to be in compliance with the rule. All grantees must show proof of appropriate licensure prior to the first day of summer programming.
- Applicants may include costs associated with obtaining a license in their Summer Discovery budget which will be submitted at the time of application.
- Licenses are issued to a specific person or organization at a specific location. Partners/schools that operate multiple sites will need to be licensed at each location.
- Child Care licensing ensures that providers are in safe spaces and use quality, background-checked, and fingerprinted staff to provide care and programming.
- If you believe you are exempt from these licensing requirements, you will be required to submit an attestation stating as such. If you are unsure if your organization is exempt, please review this page for who to contact.
Active licenses, their type, and student capacity can be found by using the Statewide Facility Search database. More details about resources can be found here.
Summer Discovery aims to allow grantees flexibility to design programs that meet the needs and cater to the interests of their students, teachers, and families. Schools can choose to use the Lavinia RISE curriculum or select their own curriculum and may use grant funding to fund new programming or enhance existing programming.
The grant opportunity provides up to $2,000 per student for sites to design and implement high-quality summer learning programs for students completing grades K-8 in spring 2025 (Rising 1st – Rising 9th graders). In line with the existing body of research on effective summer programming, all programs must:
- Provide Summer Discovery Programming at no cost to families
- Serve Rising 1st – Rising 9th graders (students entering 1st through 9th grades) in Macomb, Wayne, and Oakland Counties
- Provide at least 20 days of summer instruction (excludes assessment-only or enrichment-only days)
- Provide an average of three hours of high-quality English Language Arts (ELA) AND math instruction over at least 20 days
- Provide care for students for 8+ hours/day* (may include before- and/or after-care), including both academics and enrichment
- Ensure a student-to-teacher ratio of no more than 18:1
- Hire teachers who are qualified to provide ELA and math academic instruction during the school year (For invited Community-Based Organizations, math and ELA educators should be current teachers, former teachers, or those pursuing a teaching license.)
- Utilize family engagement strategies, including regular touchpoints with families throughout the summer
- Administer standardized pre- and post-assessments provided by Summer Discovery, along with student pre- and post- surveys
- Conduct in-person instruction and enrichment
- Track and report on student enrollment and attendance
- Complete all reporting requirements (see “Data Collection & Reporting Requirements” in this FAQ)
*(Please note the option for half-day programming for Rising 9th graders in “What’s different about the Summer Discovery program model this year?” above.)
We encourage applicants to submit an application as soon as possible in case any follow-up is needed.
Early Decision Application Deadline is no later than 11:59pm ET on 12/13/24.
Final Application Deadline is no later than 11:59pm ET on 1/31/25.