Apply Now

If you are a school applying for Summer Discovery, we recommend that you preview the application and draft your responses using this document, as your answers may adjust as you prepare your submission. Once your responses are drafted and you’ve gathered the necessary documents, you’ll need to submit your official application through the form below in order for your application to be considered.

If you cannot access the preview applications, please email [email protected]

Once you begin your official application by using the forms linked below, you will have the chance to save answers and return to your application if you cannot submit in one sitting. In this case, you will have a unique URL sent to the email address you provide that will allow you to continue where you left off.

Schools have the choice of using their own school-selected curriculum or to use the Lavinia RISE curriculum, which is provided to grantees as a part of this grant. More information about Lavinia RISE is in the FAQs.

Please select the application based on which curriculum you will use in the summer program: